There are many reasons to get permanent makeup. Some of the most common reasons include:
- Getting ready in the morning takes less time
- It eliminates the hassle of applying makeup. PMU is most popular among busy individuals and professionals (moms, healthcare professionals, etc.) who lack the time to do their makeup repeatedly
- PMU doesn’t smear or wash away during warm weather conditions, warm vacations or during water activities
- PMU is great for those who regularly enjoy working out, swimming, biking, camping or other active/outdoor activities without wanting to be concerned about their eyebrows or makeup coming off. PMU can give you the personal freedom you need to enjoy such activities without worrying about your appearance.
- It’s great for people who might be allergic to traditional makeup/dyes
Some other reasons to get PMU may be due to a medical condition, a trauma or it could be to improve appearances that have changed due to aging.
- PMU is great for those suffering from physical issues such as hair loss, discoloration of lips, etc.
- It is a great solution for those who have unsteady hands or bad vision and are unable to apply makeup the way they want
- Camouflaging or improving the appearance of scars, skin trauma, post-surgery procedures, etc.
This would be diving into the world of paramedical tattooing which involves the process of improving the appearance or camouflaging skin trauma and scars or even the results of medical conditions and skin diseases. Some popular cosmetic and medical tattooing procedures are listed in the next module.